COVID-19 UPDATES  (6/14/2021)
You must pay all back rent to your landlord. Discuss your options with your landlord. You cannot receive assistance with your rent from any other federal assistance program since you are already receiving housing assistance Click Here
If you are unable to do so, please contact the RHA to report an income change through AssistanceCheck, email, or phone: 281-342-1456.


●The RHA is open to the public on Mondays and Tuesdays each week.
● All biennial unit inspections will proceed physically unless you requested a remote virtual inspection.
● Report changes via Assistance Check; on our website by clicking here; or pick up a paper form in the RHA office.
● Communication with housing personnel may be scheduled virtually using your smart phone or lobby computers
● Requests to port out of RHA are being processed normally.
● The RHA will currently allow a family to be absent from their unit greater than 180 days for COVID related reasons.
● If you have MAXED OUT of the program and there is a change in your income due to COVID, contact the RHA immediately for possible re-instatement.
● For COVID related reasons, the RHA may allow the occupancy of a unit to exceed 2 people per bedroom.
Annual Recertifications are being held in person beginning April 2021.
● The RHA may adjust the payment standard at an Interim Reexamination on a Case by Case basis.
●The RHA will still process requests for protections under the Violence Against Women Act. Shelter-in-place policies in the U.S. do not require anyone to stay in a violent or unhealthy situation. Police officers can still visit any facility that is restricting visitors and respond to 911 calls.


● IF tenants are behind in their rent, please click here.
●The RHA has been open  since June 15, 2020 to the public on Mondays and Tuesdays of each week.
● Office staff can be contacted via Assistance Check, email and by phone
● Tenants who expressed an interest to move will be allowed do so. Please work with the tenants and the RHA as we request an extension of a few additional months passed the expiration on their lease in order to allow this to occur
(updated 6/3/2020)

● Landlord payments will continue to be processed but delays may occur.
● Contact the RHA to confirm the validity of any new inspection packets you may receive
● If you have tenants that are having issues paying their current rent, please refer your tenants here.


• The RHA is open to the public on Mondays and Tuesdays of each week.
• The RHA will conduct live Voucher Briefings.
• The RHA will accept self certification of date of birth and social security numbers if verification is not immediately available.  Verificaton must be provided within 90 days of admission to the program to remain eligible.
• Mainstream voucher holders  have alternative screening requirements which are distinct from those in place for the HCV program.
• Do not bring any children or additional adults without prior notice.
• Continue to keep your contact information updated on AssistanceCheck.