Sometimes life takes you down a different path, and we’re here to help you get there!

Note: To avoid re-letting fees it is always advisable to give your landlord at least a 60 day notice before the end of your lease. However, should you choose to move early, please view the Moving Video from the Instructional Video Page, and then follow the steps below.

If your family wants to move, you must request it within 90 days of your lease expiration. It is your responsibility to tell the housing authority you want to move.

Step 1: Visit this link and fill out the Mutual Rescission form.
Step 2: Print and submit the 1st page to your landlord if you are moving at the end of your lease.

The 2nd page of the Mutual Rescission form is only needed if you must leave before the lease expires. The landlord may require a re-letting fee.

Step 3: Agree upon a move-out date with your landlord.
Step 4: Landlord & Tenant sign the form and return it to the RHA.

Once you have reported that you want to move you will receive a voucher at the next scheduled moving day, which is always the last Tuesday of the month. You will be given a 60 day voucher, but the RHA will stop payment at the time agreed upon with your current landlord.